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Time: 9:00 AM-17:00 PM
Address: Fengtai District, Beijing Jinyu Dacheng Times Center 1515
Phone: 010-68291271
Fax: 010-68291271-805
E-mail: yudunfl@vip.163.com
   Current Location:Home > Service

Dear Customer:
Sincerely thank you for selecting rain shield mine products, rain Lightning Shield --- transient protection, to create eternal

Service commitment:
Rain shield the distribution of lightning protection products Lightning (surge protector), the technical indicators have reached or exceeded the relevant national standards or industry standards.
Rain shield the distribution of lightning protection products Lightning (surge protector) are insured in China Ping An Insurance Company. Product liability losses due to an accident caused by a mediator will be compensated in accordance with regulations.
From within a week from the date of purchase, For replacement of other products, in appearance, packaging and performance in good condition, you can give the replacement, the difference between the other up.

Warranty Service descriptions:
The distribution of rain Lightning Lightning Shield products offer two years free replacement, 3 year warranty warranty.

If the product following questions within the scope of the warranty and replacement do not fall:
Products under warranty
Due to damage caused by improper user. (Eg: Incorrect installation and use, disassemble or modify, etc.).
Damage caused by force majeure factors.

Home About YD News Solutions Products Service Contact us
Beijing rain shield mine Technology Co., Ltd.  www.yudunfanglei.com
Address:Fengtai District, Beijing Jinyu Dacheng Times Center 1515  Phone:010-68291271  13911814498  Contacts:Liu 
Fax:010-68291271-805  Mailbox:yudunfl@vip.163.com
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