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   Current Location:Home > Lightning knowledge
Common classification of low pressure mine
Common classification of low pressure mine (details)
1, according to the working principle: (1) switching protector: It works when there is no transient overvoltage presents a high impedance, but once the transient response of lightning over-voltage, low impedance on the mutation, allowing Ray current. When the device is used as such devices are: discharge gap, gas discharge tubes, thyristors and the like. (2) limiting protectors ...
Metal doors and windows of houses lightning protection and grounding requirements (a)
Metal doors and windows of houses lightning protection and grounding requirements (a) (details)
Currently, aluminum windows and doors and other metal doors and windows in all types of buildings has been widely used. In the process of building high-rise buildings in which people tend to only pay attention to the design and construction of the roof with lightning and lightning protection (net) and other anti-lightning directly stroke program, ignoring the building Sideswipe mine hazards. Aluminum doors and windows of buildings to prevent lightning protection and grounding technology is sideswipe ...
Metal doors and windows of houses lightning protection and grounding requirements (b)
Metal doors and windows of houses lightning protection and grounding requirements (b) (details)
The aluminum doors and windows aluminum doors and windows of lightning protection and grounding lightning protection and grounding construction mainly refers to door frames and construction of the main line of communication with BU lead door. Construction process: (1) Before an aluminum door frame mounting hole in the reserve, it should be reserved for the lead mine at the contact hole and polished off the lead oxide layer or coating layer, high conductive paste should be coated, stainless steel ...
Metal doors and windows of houses lightning protection and grounding requirements (c)
Metal doors and windows of houses lightning protection and grounding requirements (c) (details)
6. Lightning Protection Design and Construction Common Problems and Solutions. (I) did not correctly determine the reasonable level of building mine design, resulting in less material waste, or the design capacity (2) the construction process, there is no strict accordance with the construction, poor construction quality of the construction process. Such as; loose, missing equipment, the contact surface is not polished, poor weld quality ...
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