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   Current Location:Home > Lightning knowledge
Lightning Raiders necessary
Lightning Raiders necessary (details)
How lightning thunder rainy season?
How lightning thunder rainy season? (details)
With the arrival of the rapid development of urban modernization and the electronic information age, there intelligent buildings and high-rise buildings continue to increase, the growing threat constitutes lightning. According to statistics, injuries, property damage caused by lightning each year due to the global countless, fire, explosion, communication system failures and other accidents occur frequently, from satellites, communications, ...
Lightning grounding system Caution
Lightning grounding system Caution (details)
1) Lightning ground must be less than 4 ohms, should be taken when common ground is less than 1. 2) the distance between two independently must be greater than 20 meters, or in the installation of equal status between the two equalizer. 3) signal mine to try and direct lightning strikes separated in order to prevent direct lightning strikes from the ground counterattack signaling equipment. 4) ...
Mine lightning protection measures
Mine lightning protection measures (details)
Lightning protection measures is used mainly relief, intercept, divert. It means taking mainly ground, insulation, pressure equalization, shielding. To prevent the spread of underground ground lightning caused gas and dust as well as fire and other disasters, must comply with the following requirements: 1. the introduction of underground power lines (including motor frame line) via the ground overhead lines, you must enter ...
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