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   Current Location:Home > Lightning knowledge
Ground Module Features
Ground Module Features (details)
1, the use of chemically stable non-metallic conductor material as the conductive media modules, the conductivity is not seasonal; 2, to moisture absorption, to maintain effective contact with the soil, ground resistance is low; 3, in the high soil resistivity areas, can effectively reduce the grounding resistance; 4, frequency and impact resistant large current surge, resistance stable; ...
Lightning safety knowledge
Lightning safety knowledge (details)
1, when the thunder, how to use electrical appliances in the home? Off the power, unplug the telephone plug, but do not touch the gas pipes, water pipes and various charging devices, not showers with sprinklers when thunder and lightning, because of the huge lightning along the attacked by water shower. Do not use an external antenna with a radio and television, not to take a call. Strong thunder ...
Monitoring system lightning protection equipment Installation FAQ?
Monitoring system lightning protection equipment Installation FAQ? (details)
First, the grounding resistance is too big or no grounding. "Video security monitoring systems engineering design specifications" and "building information system lightning protection technical specifications" is not explicitly specified grounding resistance monitoring system lightning protection. Generally in accordance with the information systems and computer room grounding resistance resistance monitoring system designed to do the grounding resistance: Independent grounding not ...
Lightning Activity Regularity
Lightning Activity Regularity (details)
Local soil resistivity small place prone to lightning strikes: Because lightning current is always easy to choose the most conductive way. Lake, pond, river, building vulnerable to lightning strikes: the open area of the isolated building vulnerable to lightning: the probability of high-rise buildings around the multi-storey building than other regions of the multi-storey building by lightning larger: high-rise buildings than multi-storey building vulnerable to lightning: Because ...
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