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Lightning highway Solutions
Lightning highway Solutions (details)
I. Overview: At present, the rapid development of highway construction, in order to smooth highway to ensure highway communications, monitoring, charging system running, will reduce to a minimum of lightning, lightning protection systems engineering and technical personnel should conduct a comprehensive planning, comprehensive management, well-developed integrated mine design. System Lightning is ...
Lightning Protection System Integration Solutions
Lightning Protection System Integration Solutions (details)
With the rapid development of communication technology, computer network technology, computer and network increasingly deepened people live and work, but also indicates the advent of digital technology, the information age. The universal application of microelectronics network equipment, making lightning protection becomes more and more important. Because of high density microelectronic devices, high-speed, low-voltage, ...
Monitor mine Solutions
Monitor mine Solutions (details)
We know that both the magnetic field of lightning pilot channel or channels comeback in space produced by lightning or lightning magnetic field into the ground of the building after the lightning rod system generated will produce electromagnetic effects in a certain space range...
Hospital security system lightning protection design
Hospital security system lightning protection design (details)
Hospital security system design, including power lightning lightning, video signal lightning, lightning protection and grounding control signal four parts. Damage to electronic equipment caused by lightning, mostly due to the string of lightning caused damage to the power supply. According to GB50174-93 "computer room design specifications" and GB50057-94 "Lightning in design rule ...
Mobile base station lightning protection solutions
Mobile base station lightning protection solutions (details)
Most mobile base stations built in the high altitude, such as mountains, suburban, building, base station antennas are often higher than the existing building lightning air terminals, has become a high incidence of lightning point. Therefore, mine mobile base stations should not only consider direct lightning protection, consider induction of lightning protection, and intrusion of lightning protection, communication line shielding and ...
Radio and television transmitting station lightning protection measures
Radio and television transmitting station lightning protection measures (details)
First, the kind of lightning and thunder and lightning hazards there are two kinds of direct lightning strikes and thunder induction. Thundercloud between live and direct lightning strikes is caused by the earth discharge. When the charged thunder clouds low around opposite charges and no clouds, it will be induced on the ground or in a building opposite charges, when the potential difference is large to a certain extent, to the ground or the air breakdown ...
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Beijing rain shield mine Technology Co., Ltd.  www.yudunfanglei.com
Address:Fengtai District, Beijing Jinyu Dacheng Times Center 1515  Phone:010-68291271  13911814498  Contacts:Liu 
Fax:010-68291271-805  Mailbox:yudunfl@vip.163.com
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