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   Current Location:Home > Lightning knowledge
Lightning knowledge may not know
Lightning knowledge may not know (details)
Need to know knowledge of lightning protection on rainy days often thunder and lightning how to correctly. This knowledge is our understanding of the needs of the, the article below Shenzhen mine company will give you about some knowledge of lightning protection, can help you better lightning protection. Lightning protection knowledge overview, lightning is how to form? Answer: lightning is a kind of atmospheric discharge...
Lightning in Common Problems
Lightning in Common Problems (details)
Thunder and lightning is a common natural phenomenon, but until today it has not yet fully understand and use it. Buildings, especially high-rise buildings because of high altitude, easy lightning, lightning protection system if there is no reliable, easy to cause damage or fire to buildings and equipment within the building, injury to personnel. Currently, methods of prevention and anti-vent ...
People puzzles
People puzzles (details)
Judging from the type of lightning protection equipment can be divided into: lightning protection, power protection socket, Antenna protection, signal mine, mine-testing tools, measurement and control system lightning protection devices, the earth protector. Principle and Development I. Changes in Shenzhen mine products mine products when people know after lightning is an electrical phenomenon, for ...
Are you still mine and trouble?
Are you still mine and trouble? (details)
Mine simply means that the building itself with lightning and some buildings metal objects, as lightning body, so as not to damage the building itself suffered a direct lightning. There were a lot of lightning protection products (SPD) on the market today. Of mine played a very good role, so we do not worry about it thundered. Lightning Products 1. pick ...
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