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Electric vehicle charging system lightning protection design
Electric vehicle charging system lightning protection design (details)
Electric car charging stations of Lightning system
Electric car charging stations of Lightning system (details)
Industrial Control Systems Power mine design
Industrial Control Systems Power mine design (details)
Lightning is a natural phenomenon carries tremendous energy. Cloud formation, in the atmospheric electric field and the temperature difference between the role of the electrifying effect, positive and negative charges in different parts of the clouds build up, when up to a certain extent between cloud and cloud, cloud to ground discharge occurs to produce lightning phenomenon. Lightning is a serious natural disaster, it will be a serious crisis occurs ...
Lightning and surge protection of a solar power plant
Lightning and surge protection of a solar power plant (details)
For solar power plants like this complex system, it is necessary according to IEC 62305-2 (EN 62305-2) assess the risk of damage due to lightning strikes, and the results should be considered in the design. For solar power plant protection objective is to protect the power station plant and photovoltaic arrays against fire (direct lightning) damage, and to protect electrical ...
Lightning power sector solutions
Lightning power sector solutions (details)
1 is the power sector industry applications before mine, focusing on applications grounding products and projects, mainly related to power generation, power transmission, power communication section three applications. Around this area, the state introduced a number of industry standards and regulations to the requirements and constraints. With the power system capacity is increased and increasing levels of automation, power system ...
Refueling stations Lightning Solutions
Refueling stations Lightning Solutions (details)
Some gas stations in the power supply line installation of SPD, but often due to lack of series, artificial inoculation resistance value is too large, grounding line is too long or unreliable connection and other reasons do not conform to the specification will seriously affect the effect of lightning protection, in fact lightning protector shaped solid.
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Address:Fengtai District, Beijing Jinyu Dacheng Times Center 1515  Phone:010-68291271  13911814498  Contacts:Liu 
Fax:010-68291271-805  Mailbox:yudunfl@vip.163.com
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